
Cory Burnell is a hypocrite

I admit: when it comes to politics and American History, I don't in any way claim to be an expert. Like most Americans, I'm lacking. Chalk it up to my preference for reading fiction and some crappy schooling - it was extra credit in third grade to memorize all the states; only Chris Kelly actually did it. Give me a few minutes and a piece of paper and I'd get them all but, I don't have that rote memorization or that silly Fifty Nifty United States song down. I can't name all the presidents either and I'm terrible with dates. Shoot me. I've read the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and understand the checks and balances of the federal government, but I don't remember how many departments there are and I can't name every "Secretary of." I'm left handed. I learn better when things are put into context and connected. I'm not one of those people who feels all smug in her ability to list off this or that or the other thing.

OK, maybe I'm jealous.

Anyway, that's my preamble on my sad level of Civics knowledge. But I bet you, even if you asked the most inbred, insulated, dingaling why America was founded, you'd get the answer "Freedom." And if you talked to his cousin who once drove into the city by himself, you might hear "freedom from religious persecution" or "separation of church and state." OK maybe not. But for crying out loud, if I learned that it is one of the basic foundations of our country, why is it that so many people seem to have forgotten?

Can't one infer the importance of this idea? I mean, it's the FIRST Amendment. Which is why I find that specific American breed of crazy Christianity so appalling when they become politically active. Hasn't anyone realized how hypocritical they are? The right-wing Christians are the first people to be anti-anything Middle Eastern and "support our troops" etc. etc. because those people over there are nuts and hate America and all of that. Well, those people over there are living under a THEOCRACY (ok, not necessarily, but kinda - I told you I'm not up on these things) and the majority of their problems stem from it and that's why there's no reasoning going on and people are blowing themselves up. So why do these same Americans want to move toward that type of politics? Don't they see the connection? For all the flag-waving and claims they make of being red-blooded American, they are the MOST un-American people around. Truly.

Like this guy.

Cory Burnell wants to move all of his like-minded Christians to South Carolina to form a voting block because he feels his and his like-minded religious conservatives' votes are being diluted. He himself lives in California and hasn't moved to S.C. yet because, well, he's "been busy." Way to set the example Cory. At least you're hypocritical in all aspects of your thinking.


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