Boston Pops Psychology
What's up with Dr. Phil and his wife Robin hosting the 4th of July Celebrations here? Totally random.
I don't know how I feel about Dr. Phil. His ego (or his PR machine) seems to grow exponentially by the year and his methodology is such boiled-down behaviorism the show should just be called "Hey genius, how 'bout ya just don't do that and we'll call it a day?" but I guess he does help some people.
Personally, for me it's all about ROBIN. ROBIN is the X-factor. ROBIN is all supportive wife and sideline cheerleader at the moment but you can see she resents having to double-time it down the aisle at the end of the show because her Texas-sized husband won't slow down his pace for his little wife and her manolos. I'm just waiting for her to lose it one day and pull a Kitty Dukakis.
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