Toot Toot Tootsie?
God knows I love me my gay men. and of course my gay women. and everyone in between. but especially my gay men. and definitely the drag queens. like that's a surprise. look at my profile photo. sometimes i think i am a drag queen.
i have very fond memories of certain drag queens. like the 6'6" (well, 6" plus platform heels) drag queen who stopped me cold in the ladies room of the nightclub from yanking the chopsticks out of my hair by saying "oh no, honey. leave them in. i have that same mandarin-style dress, and when i wear it i always wear chopsticks."
Why can't one acquire girl scout badges for things like that?? has-the-same-dress-as-the-drag-queen-go-go-dancer-badge. I mean, that's a badge I'd like to check out. That's probably the only badge I actually would have earned. Someone go play with photoshop and mock one up for me, k?
I've also met my share of cross dressers, the less glamorous and apparently less homosexual of the genderbending spectrum as many are straight and just have a thing for the clothes. I get it. Lady clothes rock. What I don't get is the eyeglasses fetish. I swear, like half of the cross dressers I've met who are over the age of 35 have those gigantic octagonal tortise shell Tootsie glasses. I was reminded of it when I saw this dude who is in jail for murdering his wife in a fit of domestic violence and who is asking the state for surgery to complete his transformation:
Now, this blog is not about the debate around whether he should be allowed to have the surgery. I can't get to exploring that conundrum until I figure out the glasses thing. What do you think? Is it all due to Dustin Hoffman?
Discuss amongst yourself. I'll tumble for ya.