Driving in the UK?
So, I'm going to be traveling a lot this year for work. Mainly to the UK, but also to Europe. It's all very exciting, especially given the fact that my office is being relocated from properly normal sized office to office the size of closet. I will be happy not to spend too much time in it. Much more pleasant to spend time at normal size guest office and comfy hotel in the likes of Madrid and Firenze.
Given that I will be in the UK often for weeks at a time, I think I'm going to have to learn to drive on the other side of the road. Maybe being a lefty will give me an advantage? Does having driven a Mini zipcar count as preparation? Who here reading this, has driven in a English style car on English style streets and survived? Details, please.
I think the hardest thing will be having to constantly think. By now most of my car driving moves are muscle memory. Why, some times I get to where I'm going and I don't even remember the drive. My catlike reflexes had be working on autopilot, I knew where every car in front of an behind me was, yet at the same time I was able to mentally redecorate my apartment.
I won't be able to parallel park anywhere. Not on the left. Here's hoping for lots of "car parks" and valets or for sure I shall wind up in Traffic Court a la Edina Monsoon.

Advice, anyone?
Given that I will be in the UK often for weeks at a time, I think I'm going to have to learn to drive on the other side of the road. Maybe being a lefty will give me an advantage? Does having driven a Mini zipcar count as preparation? Who here reading this, has driven in a English style car on English style streets and survived? Details, please.
I think the hardest thing will be having to constantly think. By now most of my car driving moves are muscle memory. Why, some times I get to where I'm going and I don't even remember the drive. My catlike reflexes had be working on autopilot, I knew where every car in front of an behind me was, yet at the same time I was able to mentally redecorate my apartment.
I won't be able to parallel park anywhere. Not on the left. Here's hoping for lots of "car parks" and valets or for sure I shall wind up in Traffic Court a la Edina Monsoon.

Advice, anyone?